Iran News Round Up September 11, 2013

English: Location of Iran and Saudi Arabia.

English: Location of Iran and Saudi Arabia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Will Fulton and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English

Excerpts of these translations may only be used with the expressed consent of the authors.


  • Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reacted to recent Syria developments:
    • “We hope America’s new position regarding Syria is serious, without deception and a true reversal from their arbitrary and mistaken position of the past few weeks.”
    • “Unfortunately, with an incorrect interpretation of not fighting during Hajj [season], some mistaken [individuals] are attempting to undermine the philosophy of establishing the bara’at az moshrekin [Interpretation of Qur’an referring to political activities that take place socially during Hajj pilgrimage], though fighting blasphemy is one of Islam’s most fundamental orders.”
    • “Enemies of Islamic society have noticed that conflict within Islamic sects is to the benefit of the usurping Zionist regime. On this basis, by establishing takfiri groups from one side and creating Islamic and even Shi’a looking media to expand divisions from another, they are seeking to make Muslims fight each other.”
    • “Shi’a elders, including Imam [Khomeini] and others, continuously emphasized Islamic society’s unity. Therefore, the Shi’ism that propagates from media in London and America with the goal of expanding conflicts is not in the path of true Shi’a.” Continue reading

Iran Daily Brief April 16, 2012 – Full Report


International Affairs

Deputy FM: Ahmadinejad’s visit to Abu Musa is an internal affair – Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, described Ahmadinejad’s official trip to the island of Abu Musa as “an internal affair, done as part of his schedule of provincial tours.” The comments came after the UAE recalled its ambassador to Tehran in protest to Ahmadinejad’s trip. The Emirati Foreign Minister criticized the visit as a “violation of UAE sovereignty over its territories.” Amir-Abdollahian stressed that the Persian Gulf islands of the Greater Tunb, the Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa have historically, and will eternally belong to Iran…



Iranian Deputy Chief-of-Staff: “Imperialism failed in its war against Syria” Deputy Chief-of-Staff of the Armed Forces and Defense Diplomacy, Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri, emphasized that imperialism had failed in its battle against Syria. He stated:

They are attempting to compensate for their failure through diplomatic efforts, sending envoys and engaging in consultation. No hope should be pinned on these diplomatic talks. The solution in Syria will only be meaningful when it comes from within the country itself. Others have no right to intervene in the affairs of this country that is at the forefront of the resistance. Anyone who is involved in any way in the outbreak of hostilities in Syria will be punished. The people in the region will not forget this interference. If Syria’s enemies had the ability to continue the military action, they would not, even for a moment, stop the pressure being applied to the resistance front. The enemy knows that it is within the target of the resistance.


Supreme Leader’s representative to the IRGC: Syria is paying the price for its resolute stance against Israel – In an interview with the Mehr News Agency, Hojatoleslam Ali Saeedi discussed a plot by corrupt Arab leaders and Western nations to provoke riots in Syria. He said that:

Unfortunately, one of imperialism’s constant aims has been to lead and create streams and movements in other countries, with the goal of placing their mercenaries in positions of power. Corrupt Middle Eastern nations could never oppose Israel however for the last sixty years Syria has faced the Zionist regime, and is thus at the forefront of the resistance. In light of the Islamic awakenings in the region, the reinforcement of the resistance front, and Iran’s increased ability to maneuver in the Middle East, the West devised a new scheme to restrain the Islamic awakening in the region. In this anti-Syrian plot, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are serving as emissaries of the US. The Middle Eastern situation is not moving in a direction serving the interests of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and several other nations, and the legitimacy of these regimes has lapsed. The Syrian nation is faithful to the resistance (against Israel and the US), and possesses a good understanding of the circumstances. Additionally, on several occasions, the majority of the Syrian people have expressed support for their President. Thus, I believe that the moral support provided to Iran support, coupled with the steadfast positions of both Russia and China, will contribute to the failure of the American, Qatari and Saudi plot.

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Is Iran Still Center Of Middle East’s ‘Great Game’?


An Iranian student holds up a sign with a picture of a Bahraini protester in front of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Tehran. Iran has been vocal in its criticism of Saudi actions against Shi’ite protesters in the Persian Gulf state.

April 13, 2011  By Robert Tait

From being the most assertively visible actor in the Middle East, it has seemingly become quiet and unnoticed, almost the forgotten country. Yet three months into what has become known as the “Arab awakening,” non-Arabic-speaking Iran remains the giant elephant in the living room for foreign-policy makers in Washington. Continue reading